We are getting closer to the first major step towards launching. We are planning an informational meeting for early August. We'll be inviting anyone interested in hearing the vision for the church first hand.
We're asking anyone who wants to come and we'll be posting extensively about it once a date is set. Fliers will be going up all over the place including coffee shops, music stores, and anywhere else we can think of to put them. Social media will, of course, be heavily saturated with the announcements. Promotional and fundraising videos are also in the works.
The only real obstacle is we need a place to hold it that won't set us back an arm and a leg. We're looking for someplace preferably in the Sunnyland area. If there isn't a place there, we would prefer to stay in Washington or perhaps East Peoria. If you know of a facility that we can use, please contact us.
We're getting close. There are a few holes yet to fill and some dollars to raise. We'll keep you posted.
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